Illinois Anti-Hate Commission Calls For Unity

As the holiday season approaches, the Illinois Commission on Discrimination and Hate Crimes decried a rise in hate in Illinois and the country. Meanwhile, in March a helpline for those who encounter hate crimes will have what a spokeswoman called a soft launch. The helpline, part of a $1.1 million grant to the commission from the federal Department of Justice, will start officially in September, she said. Read the article here at NPR>

Youth Outreach Organizers Talk Unity And Democracy

Just days after neo-Nazis marched through the city, WORT News Producer Faye Parks spoke with Masood Akhtar, President and founder of We Are Many – United Against Hate, a nonprofit that organizes events to combat bigotry and racism and Steve Porter, who is a member on United Against Hate’s Advisory Board – and the President of the Madison lawyer chapter of the American Constitution Society. Together, they discussed the ways in which youth outreach can foster unity everywhere. Masood and Steve say that Madison’s young people are eager to learn. Listen to the interview here>